Two Great Data Sharing Opportunities

shark-0-0-0-0-1705442572.jpg Our friends at AZA’s SAFE for Sharks and Rays are building a resource of shark lab normals and are looking for facilities to share their lab data. We know some Tracks facilities are already participating, but if you’d like to get on board or you are aware of other sources, please let us know and we’ll facilitate this exchange…what a great way for the Tracks community to support this conservation effort.

Also, the folks with the AZA Collection Sustainability Committee are seeking general inventories of aquatic species. If any Tracks facility would like to participate, we have all the tools set up to create and send this data as an anonymous inventory, so this is a super easy way to support the CSC and its goal of sustainable and ethical aquarium practices. If you have any questions about sharing your inventory information, please let us know!