Tracks is packed with features to help manage animal data.

Great records are foundational to great animal care.

Find the data you need, for a single animal or your entire collection.
  • Attach files to animal records.
  • View offspring and mate summaries.
  • Manage complicated parent data, pedigree charts, reproductive histories, linked animals, and related animals.
  • Save time with wizards, custom defaults, and batch processing.
  • Share inventories at
  • Create reports from a single animal to the entire collection.

The same attention and support for your group populations.

Unique solutions for the unique needs of group populations.
  • Easily record group events, such as merges, splits, split loans, population adjustments, and group/individual conversions.
  • Quickly reference enclosure history and maintain a record of enclosure/animal relationships.
  • Utilize medical, prescriptions, diet, lab testing, and enrichment reporting for group populations.

Accurate - and flexible - data management.

Customize Tracks to work seamlessly with your aquarium or zoo's day to day operations.
  • Set custom defaults for various acquisition types.
  • Enable data validation to alert users to invalid data entries.
  • Customize data security and approval processes.