Sometimes, the network doesn't go where you need it to. A lot of our clients have requested an easy way to record water quality data offline, then quickly upload it to the Tracks database once they're back on the network.
So, we're working on a web app for that. This will let Tracks users download a water quality bench sheet while they're connected. They can record information offline and upload the data with a single click once they're back on the network.
We want to eliminate redundant work. No more writing down test results and typing them in when you're back at your desk. So, you can take the time you would have spent manually re-typing your data and spend it coming up with more great ideas for great animal care.
Let us know that you want in, and we'll put you on our list of clients to implement this for once the feature is finished. We're shooting for a launch date in late April!
Not using Tracks yet? Check out our other water quality features, then let's chat!
Posted on Mar 23, 2017